Academy Week Menu

ANH2017 (Kathmandu)

Welcome to the resources page of the 2nd Annual Agriculture, Nutrition and Health (ANH) Academy Week, which took place from 9-13 July 2017 in Kathmandu, Nepal.  

The Agriculture, Nutrition & Health (ANH) Academy in partnership with the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Nutrition jointly hosted the 2nd Agriculture, Nutrition and Health (ANH) Academy week and the 5th Annual Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Nutrition (Nutrition Innovation Lab) Agriculture-Nutrition Scientific Symposium on 9-13 July 2017 in Kathmandu, Nepal.

The 2017 ANH Academy Week conference report is now available for download, offering key highlights of the programme.

The proceedings paper 'Building bridges and deconstructing pathways in agriculture, nutrition and health: 5th Annual Feed the Future Nutrition Innovation Lab Scientific Symposium & 2nd Annual Agriculture, Nutrition & Health (ANH) Academy Week Kathmandu, 9–13 July, 2017' was also published in Food Security.


ANH2017 The Week in Numbers 2