Learning Lab: Advances and Challenges in the assessment of food choice behaviors and drivers
byANH Academy
Academy Week Learning Lab
| Agriculture, Communications and management, Food Systems, Nutrition, Public Health, Social Sciences
Date and Time
From: 20 June 2024, 13:00
To: 20 June 2024, 15:00
BST British Summer Time GMT+1:00
Open Full Event Learning Lab Assessing food choice behaviors and drivers current advances and challenges


Times of this event are in BST (UTC + 1)

Level: Intermediate



Achieving sustainable healthy diets in a rapidly evolving food system requires understanding food choice behaviors that link external food environments to dietary intake. End-to-end and other integrated approaches for food system transformation require refinement of existing and development of new methods and measures to guide the design of agriculture, nutrition, and health interventions and evaluate their effectiveness. Food choice behaviors include how individuals decide what, how, and why to acquire, prepare, allocate, store, consume, and dispose of food. These behaviors are influenced by drivers of food choice (DFC) at the individual and household levels, shaped by broader community, societal, and environmental factors. Identifying useful, valid, and reliable measures of DFC is an ongoing challenge. Using new data from a local agrifood systems assessment in South Asia, this learning lab will provide an overview of advances in measurement of DFC and outline priorities for future research.


Preparation materials

No preparation is required in advance of the session. 



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