Development of a comprehensive intervention to address foodborne enteric disease risks among young children living in low-income informal neighbourhoods of Maputo, Mozambique and Nairobi, Kenya
By ANH Academy 06 January 2021

Collaborating institutions

  • London School of Hygiene and Tropical MedicineLSHTM
  • International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI),
  • Instituto Nacional de Saúde - Centro de Investigação e Treino em Saúde da Polana Caniço (INS-CISPOC)

Dates: 24 months 

Value: $1,170,834

Principal Investigator: Oliver Cumming 

Primary research question: What package of interventions - from the domestic environment, through the point of purchase or sale, and across the supply chain from production to market - will reduce exposure to foodborne disease (FBD) risks among young children in low-income urban communities of Maputo, Mozambique and Nairobi, Kenya?

Brief description of study design:

To answer this question, a clear understanding of the target problem – young children’s exposure to contaminated food and the associated disease burden – and its drivers is required. Three linked work packages (WP) will cover three critical domains of the food system as it relates to child FBD risks: the domestic environment; the local marketplace; and, the production and supply systems.

WP1 will investigate the domestic domain where most of the child’s food is prepared, cooked, fed to her/him, and then potentially stored/reheated/reserved and also where food may be prepared for subsequent sale. WP2 will research the local market domain, where household food is purchased as either raw ingredients or prepared foods. WP3 will examine the supply chain that brings food to the market or point of sale. To achieve these results, we will carry out a multi-country mixed-methods study in the Polana-Caniço neighbourhood of Maputo, Mozambique, and Dagoretti Division of Nairobi, Kenya.

Findings from each work package will then inform the design of an intervention under the final work package (WP4) using a theory-based and empirical approach to intervention design. A quantative comparative analysis of the results (WP1-3) from the two sites will be conducted, and we will seek to foster interaction between the intervention design processes in the two sites (WP4).

Project progress

The project is currently in the inception phase with preparatory work underway ahead of the launch of data collection activities scheduled for June 2019.

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