Speakers: Jennifer Coates, Tufts University and Winnie Bell, INDDEX Project
Are you interested in learning more about diet-related food security indicators, data sources, and methods? The Data4Diets platform is designed to aid program implementers, policy makers, and researchers with identifying which diet-related food security indicators are best suited for their objectives, understand how the indicators should be constructed and used, and know which data sources and methods are preferred for producing these indicators and information.
This webinar will provide an overview of the organizational framework of the Data4Diets platform and a tour of the main contents, which includes:
- Detailed information on over 40 diet-related food security indicators designed to help program implementers, policy makers, and researchers.
- Descriptions of 11 common data sources and methods to determine preferred resources for producing these indicators.
- Real world case studies showing how indicators have been used for diet-related food security policy and programming.
- Dynamic online repository of guidelines, articles, and studies relevant for indicator construction and use.
If you would like to learn more about this new online resource of relevance to the Ag2Nut community, please join us on 30 January 2020 @9am (ET) to discuss the Data4Diets: Building Blocks for Diet-related Food Security Analysis platform developed by the International Dietary Data Expansion (INDDEX) Project. For more information about the development process and FAQs about of Data4Diets, click here.
Bring your questions about indicators and methods that strengthen measurement of the linkages between agriculture and nutrition outcomes.