Briefing note and publication on zoonoses and livestock diseases in sub-Sahara Africa
04 August 2021
Serge Mpouam briefing note


A new research brief about local prioritization of zoonoses and livestock diseases in Cameroon has been published by IMMANA Fellow Serge Mpouam.

In this project, researchers contextualized multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) methods for the prioritization of both endemic zoonoses and livestock diseases to enable better operationalization of disease prioritization outcomes in the context of African countries or other low and middle income countries (LMICs). They found that categorical principal component analysis (CatPCA) is a multidimensional analysis that can be used to identify key disease impact criteria for prioritization purposes both for zoonoses and livestock diseases. Click here to read the research brief.


Serge Mpouam paper


A new research article from IMMANA Fellow Serge Mpouam has also been published this week, on Critical Systematic Review of Zoonoses and Transboundary Animal Diseases’ Prioritization in Africa in sub-Sahara Africa (SSA).

Disease prioritization aims to enhance resource use efficiency concerning human and animal health systems’ preparedness and response to the most important problems for the optimization of beneficial outcomes. In sub-Sahara Africa (SSA), several prioritizations of zoonoses and transboundary animal diseases (TADs) have been implemented at different scales to characterize potential disease impacts. In this systematic review, researchers analyze the methodologies used, outcomes, and their relevance by discussing criteria required to align decision-makers’ perceptions of impacts to those of other stakeholders for different prioritization in SSA. 


All IMMANA Research Outputs can be found here.

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