Publication |
Project |
Topics |
2023 | ||
Cassandra L. Workman, Joshua D. Miller, Sameer H. Shah, Kenneth Maes, Yihewnew Tesfaye, Kenneth M. Mapunda. (2023). SSM - Mental Health, (2023), 100295 |
HWISE: A novel tool for the assessment of household-level water insecurity: scale refinement, validation, and manual development IMMANA Grant |
Water Security Social Science |
Respondent biases in agricultural household surveys Dillon & Mensah. (2024). Journal of Development Economics, 166(2024), 103198 |
IMMANA Grant |
Gender Agriculture Household Survey |
Mouliom Mouiche, Nguemou Wafo, Mpouam, Moffo, Kameni Feussom, Njayou Ngapagna, Mfopit, Saegerman, Abdoulmoumini (2023). Pathogens, 12(9), 12091076 |
Upscaling metrics for sustainable spatial and livestock production system smart prioritization of transboundary animal diseases in Cameroon IMMANA Fellow |
Livestock Infectious Diseases Systematic Review Disease Control |
Assessing needs for interdisciplinarity in agriculture, nutrition, and health education. Roshania, Yates, McIntyre, Chancellor, Fivian, Hill, Isoto, Marinda, Narayanan, Whatford, Zotor & Khandelwal (2023). Global Food Security, 37, 100691 |
IMMANA original research |
Interdisciplinarity Agriculture Nutrition Health Education |
de la Revilla, Ferguson, Dooley, Osman, Ander & Joy (2023). Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 120, 105322 |
IMMANA original research |
Food Composition Micronutrients Sub-Saharan Africa Spatial Variability |
Fretes, Corvalán, Reyes, Taillie, Economos, Wilson & Cash (2023). International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 20(1), 40. |
IMMANA original research |
Maternal and child health Food environments Social science |
Shah, Harris, Menghwani, Stoler, Brewis, Miller, & Young (2023). Environment and Planning F, 26349825231156900. |
HWISE: A novel tool for the assessment of household-level water insecurity: scale refinement, validation, and manual development IMMANA Grant |
Water Economics Social science |
Grieve, Mamun, de Roos, Barman, Ara, Roos & Little (2023). BMC Public Health, 23(1), 1-13. |
Nutrition Maternal and child health Gender and equity Aquaculture |
Deeney, Green, Yan, Dooley, Yates, Rolker & Kadiyala (2023). Journal of Cleaner Production, 136567. |
IMMANA original research |
Public health Food systems Plastics Circular economy |
Bulungu, Palla, Nambooze, Priebe., Forsythe, Katic & Ferguson (2023). Nutrition Journal, 22(1), 1-14. |
Gender and equity Nutrition Social science Agriculture |
Margolies, Colantuoni, Morgan, Gelli, & Caulfield (2023). World Development, 163, 106122. |
Gender and equity Nutrition Social science |
2022 | ||
Bioaccessibility of iron in pearl millet flour contaminated with different soil types Muleya, Young, Broadley, Joy, Chopera & Bailey (2022). Food Chemistry, 134277. |
Molly Muleya, IMMANA Fellow |
Micronutrients Nutrition |
Inequality of household water security follows a Development Kuznets Curve Mao, Miller, Young, Krause, Hannah and the HWISE Research Coordination Network (2022) Nature Communications 13 |
Water Gender and Equity |
Systematic evidence and gap map of research linking food security and nutrition to mental health Sparling, Deeney, Cheng, Han, Lier, Lin, Offner, Santoso, Pfeiffer, Emerson, Amadi, Mitu, Corvalan, Verdeli, Araya, Kadiyala (2022) Nature Communications 13 |
Mental Health Working Group |
Mental Health Food Security Nutrition |
Storhaug, Lane, Moore, Engelbert, Sparling, Snilstveit (2022) BMJ Open |
Evidence and Gap Map, IMMANA original research |
Food systems
Prost, Harris-Fry, Mohanty, Parida, Krishnan, Fivian, Rath, Nair, Mishra, Padhan, Pradhan, Sahu, Skordis, Danton, Koniz-Booher, Beaumont, James, Allen, Elbourne, & Kadiyala. (2022) Maternal and Child Nutrition, e13398 |
Upscaling Participatory Action and Videos for Agriculture and Nutrition (UPAVAN): A cluster randomised controlled trial in Odisha, India. IMMANA team |
Nutrition Gender and Equity |
Saha and Narayanan (2022). World Development, vol 154 |
Gender and Equity Nutrition |
Turner, Bhogadi, Walls, Surendran, Kulkarni, Kinra, Kadiyala (2022). Health and Place, 74 |
Food Environments Working Group |
Food environment |
Wutich, Rosinger, Brewis, Beresford & Young. Household Water Insecurity Experiences Research Coordination Network. (2022). American Anthropologist. |
A novel tool for the assessment of household-level water insecurity: scale refinement, validation, and manual development, IMMANA Grant |
Water security Social science Fragile contexts |
Yates, Kadiyala, Li, Levy, Endashaw, Perlick, Wilde (2022), Lancet Planetary Health |
IMMANA original research | Planetary Health |
Bechoff, Shee, Mvumi, Ngwenyama, Debelo, Ferruzzi, Nyanga, Mayanja, & Tomlins (2022), Food Security |
NUTRI-P-LOSS: Nutritional Postharvest Loss Estimation Methodology IMMANA Grant |
Agriculture Food systems |
A food‐based approach could improve dietary adequacy for 12–23‐month‐old Eastern Ugandan children Kimere, Nambooze, Lim, Bulungu, Wellard, & Ferguson (2021), Maternal & Child Nutrition |
Agri-food: Development and validation of a rapid assessment tool to identify nutrient gaps in local food systems and help design nutrition sensitive interventions for agriculture project IMMANA Grant | Nutrition |
Moore, Lane, Storhaug, Franich, Rolker, Furgeson, Sparling, Snilstveit (2021) 3ie Evidence Gap Map Report 16. International Initiative for Impact Evaluation |
Evidence and Gap Map, IMMANA original research | Food systems |
Export-Driven, Extensive Coastal Aquaculture Can Benefit Nutritionally Vulnerable People Mamun, Murray, Sprague, McAdam, Roos, de Roos, Pounds & Little (2021), Frontiers in Global Food Systems |
Nutrition Animals and livestock |
Economic inequality in malnutrition: a global systematic review and meta-analysis
Alao, Nur, Fivian, Shankar, Kadiyala & Harris-Fry (2021), BMJ Global Health |
IMMANA original research |
Nutrition Gender and Equity |
Knight, Woldt, Sethuraman, Bergeron & Ferguson (2021), Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences |
Nutrition Food environments
Trust and responsibility in food systems transformation. Engaging with Big Food: marriage or mirage? Yates, Gillespie, Savona, Deeney & Kadiyala (2021), BMJ Global Health |
IMMANA original research |
Food environments Food systems |
Adong, Kornher, Kiptoo Kirui & von Braun (2021), World Development, 147. |
Public health Agriculture |
Ngwenyama, Mvumi, Stathers, Nyanga & Siziba (2022). Crop Protection, 153. |
NUTRI-P-LOSS: Nutritional Postharvest Loss Estimation Methodology, IMMANA Grant |
Agriculture Food safety |
Ainamani, Bamwerinde, Rukundo, Tumwesigire, Mfitumukiza, Bikaitwoha & Tsai (2021). Mental Health and Prevention, 24. |
Mental health benefits of gardening and diet among caregivers of people with dementia in rural southwestern Uganda, IMMANA Fellow |
Mental health Nutrition Public health
Stoler, Miller, Adams, Ahmed, Alexander, Asiki & Young (2021). Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development.
A novel tool for the assessment of household-level water insecurity: scale refinement, validation, and manual development, IMMANA Grant |
Water security Public health |
Global Mental Health and Nutrition: Moving Toward a Convergent Research Agenda
Sparling, Cheng, Deeney, Santoso, Pfeiffer, Emerson & Kadiyala. Frontiers in Public Health, 1483. |
Mental health Nutrition
Public health |
Megersa, Haile & Kitron (2021). Archives of Public Health, 79(1), 1-11. |
Bekele Mergesa, IMMANA Fellow |
Public health
Rural livelihoods |
Empowerment and nutrition in Niger: insights from the Women’s Empowerment in Nutrition grid Lentz, Bageant & Narayanan (2021). Food Security, 1-18. |
The Women’s Empowerment in Nutrition Index (WENI): Measuring nutritional empowerment to better link agriculture to nutrition, IMMANA Grant |
Gender, empowerment and equity Nutrition Public health |
Gelli, Kemp, Margolies, Twalibu, Katundu & Levin (2021). Food Security, 1-14. |
Economic Evaluation Working Group |
Economics Agriculture Nutrition Intervention design and implementation |
Rural Women’s Empowerment in Nutrition: A Framework Linking Food, Health and Institutions Narayanan, Lentz, Fontana & Kulkarni (2021). The Journal of Development Studies, 1-18. |
The Women’s Empowerment in Nutrition Index (WENI): Measuring nutritional empowerment to better link agriculture to nutrition, IMMANA Grant |
Gender, empowerment and equity Nutrition Public health Intervention design and implementation |
Nagata, Miller, Cohen, Frongillo, Weke, Burger & Young (2021). AIDS and Behavior, 1-7. |
A novel tool for the assessment of household-level water insecurity: scale refinement, validation, and manual development, IMMANA Grant |
Water security Food security Public health Epidemiology |
Critical Systematic Review of Zoonoses and Transboundary Animal Diseases’ Prioritization in Africa
Mpouam, Mingoas, Mouiche, Kameni Feussom & Saegerman. Pathogens. 2021; 10(8):976. |
Serge Mpouam, IMMANA Fellow |
Zoonoses Animal diseases Livestock |
Ainamani, Bamwerinde, Rukundo, Tumwesigire, Kalibwani, Bikaitwaho & Tsai (2021). Preventive Medicine Reports, 101412. |
Herbert Ainamani, IMMANA Fellow |
Mental health Gardening Rural livelihoods |
Margolies, Gelli, Daryanani, Twalibu & Levin (2021). Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 42(1), 3-22. |
Nutrition Maternal and child health Intervention design and implementation |
Miller, Frongillo, Weke, Burger, Wekesa, Sheira, Mocello, Bukusi, Otieno, Cohen, Weiser & Young (2021). The Journal of Nutrition. |
A novel tool for the assessment of household-level water insecurity: scale refinement, validation, and manual development, IMMANA Grant |
Water security Food security Public health Intervention design and implementation |
Yates, Deeney, Rolker, White, Kalamatianou, & Kadiyala (2021). Nature Food, 13. |
IMMANA original research |
Food security Public health |
Selenium speciation and bioaccessibility in Se-fertilised crops of dietary importance in Malawi
Muleya, Young, Reina, Ligowe, Broadley, Joy & Bailey (2021). Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 103841. |
Molly Muleya, IMMANA Fellow |
Crop science Nutrition |
Sparling, White, Boakye, John & Kadiyala (2020). Advances in Nutrition, nmaa158. |
Evidence and Gap Map, IMMANA original research |
Monitoring and evaluation ALL |
Intrinsic and instrumental agency associated with nutritional status of East African women
Jones, Haardörfer, Ramakrishnan, Yount, Miedema, Roach & Girard (2020). Social Science & Medicine, 247, 112803. |
Gender, empowerment and equity Nutrition |
Gelli, Nguyen, Santacroce, Twalibu, Margolies & Katundu (2020). The Journal of Nutrition, 150(2), 350-355. |
Maternal and child health Nutrition implementationalIntervention design and implementation |
Bulungu, Palla, Priebe, Forsythe, Katic, Varley & Ferguson (2020). British Journal of Nutrition, 1-11. |
Maternal and child health Nutrition Intervention design and implementation |
Measuring the nutritional cost of insect infestation of stored maize and cowpea
Stathers, Arnold, Rumney & Hopson (2020). Food Security, 1-24. |
NUTRI-P-LOSS: Nutritional Postharvest Loss Estimation Methodology, IMMANA Grant |
Crop science
Nutrition |
Stoler, Pearson, Staddon, Wutich, Mack, Brewis & Balogun (2020). Science of the Total Environment, 716, 135881. |
A novel tool for the assessment of household-level water insecurity: scale refinement, validation, and manual development, IMMANA Grant |
Water security
Food security
Intervention design and implementation
Mental health |
Gender, time-use, and energy expenditures in rural communities in India and Nepal
Picchioni, Zanello, Srinivasan, Wyatt & Webb (2020). World Development, 136, 105137. |
New Keys for Old Black Boxes: Developing Methods to Improve Nutrition Assessment by Measuring Energy Expenditure, IMMANA Grant |
Gender, empowerment and equity
Subsistence agriculture |
Food environment research in low-and middle-income countries: a systematic scoping review
Turner, Kalamatianou, Drewnowski, Kulkarni, Kinra & Kadiyala (2020). Advances in Nutrition, 11(2), 387-397. |
Food Environments Working Group |
Food security
Nutrition |
Development and Evaluation of a Novel Diet Quality Screener for Global Use
Gicevic, Mou, Bromage, Fung, & Walter (2020). Current Developments in Nutrition, 4(Supplement_2), 1168-1168. |
Selma Gicevic, IMMANA Fellow |
Non-communicable diseases |
Ganpule-Rao, Bhat, Yajnik, & Rush (2020). British Journal of Nutrition, 1-8. |
Anjali Ganpule-Rao, IMMANA Fellow |
Maternal and child health
Nutrition |
Food Access and Nutritional Status of Rural Adolescents in India: Pune Maternal Nutrition Study
Ganpule-Rao, Roy, Karandikar, Yajnik & Rush (2020). American Journal of Preventive Medicine. |
Anjali Ganpule-Rao, IMMANA Fellow |
Maternal and child health
Food security |
Conz (2020). Journal of Southern African Studies, 1-18. |
Christopher Conz, IMMANA Fellow |
Policymaking |
Singh, Jones, DeFries & Jain (2020). Food Security, 1-22. |
Sukhwinder Singh, IMMANA Fellow |
Subsistence agriculture
Nutrition |
Singh, Jones & Jain (2020). Plos one, 15(4), e0231107. |
Sukhwinder Singh, IMMANA Fellow |
Subsistence agriculture
Economics |
Megersa (2020). Nutrition and Dietary Supplements, 12, 1. |
Bekele Megersa, IMMANA Fellow |
Maternal and child health
Subsistence agriculture
Intervention design and implementation |
Energy and Nutrient Intake and Associated Factors Among Pastoral Children in Southern Ethiopia
Megersa, Haile & Kitron (2020). Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 0379572120953042. |
Bekele Megersa, IMMANA Fellow |
Maternal and child health
Subsistence agriculture |
2019 | ||
Sparling, White, & Kadiyala (2019). Campbell Systematic Reviews, 15(3). |
Evidence and Gap Map, IMMANA original research |
Monitoring and evaluation ALL
de Roos, Roos, Mamun, Ahmed, Sneddon, Murray & Little (2019). Public health nutrition, 22(16), 2941-2949. |
Aquaculture and fisheries
Agroecology |
Gosdin, Ramakrishnan & Girard (2019). Current developments in nutrition, 3(Supplement_1), (P11-111-19). |
Women’s empowerment in livestock-focused agriculture: Identifying and understanding pathways to impact for maternal and child nutrition in East Africa, IMMANA Grant |
Maternal and child health
Subsistence agriculture |
Women’s empowerment, food security and nutrition of pastoral communities in Tanzania
Galiè, Teufel, Girard, Baltenweck, Dominguez-Salas, Price & Smith (2019). Global Food Security, 23, 125-134. |
Women’s empowerment in livestock-focused agriculture: Identifying and understanding pathways to impact for maternal and child nutrition in East Africa, IMMANA Grant |
Gender, empowerment and equity
Maternal and child health
Food security
Subsistence agriculture |
Lamanna, Hachhethu, Chesterman, Singhal, Mwongela, Ng’endo & Rosenstock (2019). PloS one, 14(1), e0210050. |
Surveillance of Climate‐Smart Agriculture for Nutrition (SCAN), IMMANA Grant |
Maternal and child health |
Donovan & Gelli (2019). World Development Perspectives, 16, 100149. |
Intervention design and implementation
Subsistence agriculture
Public health |
Developing the women's empowerment in nutrition index in two states of India
Narayanan, Lentz, Fontana, De & Kulkarni (2019). Food Policy, 89, 101780. |
The Women’s Empowerment in Nutrition Index (WENI): Measuring nutritional empowerment to better link agriculture to nutrition, IMMANA Grant |
Gender, empowerment and equity
Intervention design and implementation |
Last and least: Findings on intrahousehold undernutrition from participatory research in South Asia
Lentz, Narayanan & De (2019). Social Science & Medicine, 232, 316-323. |
The Women’s Empowerment in Nutrition Index (WENI): Measuring nutritional empowerment to better link agriculture to nutrition, IMMANA Grant |
Gender, empowerment and equity
Food security |
Narayanan, Fontana, Lentz & Kulkarni (2017). Health and Institutions (September 30, 2017). |
The Women’s Empowerment in Nutrition Index (WENI): Measuring nutritional empowerment to better link agriculture to nutrition, IMMANA Grant |
Gender, empowerment and equity
Intervention design and implementation |
Women’s nutritional empowerment and their well-being Identifying key drivers in India and Bangladesh
Narayanan, Rathore & Sharma (2019). Available at SSRN 3332959. |
The Women’s Empowerment in Nutrition Index (WENI): Measuring nutritional empowerment to better link agriculture to nutrition, IMMANA Grant |
Gender, empowerment and equity
Policy making |
The cost of a nutritious diet in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka
Dizon, Herforth, & Wang, (2019). Global Food Security, 21, 38-51. |
Indicators of Affordability of Nutritious Diets in Africa (IANDA), IMMANA Grant |
Policy making |
Herforth, Masters, Bai & Sarpong (2019). Current developments in nutrition, 3(Supplement_1), (P10-033-19). |
Indicators of Affordability of Nutritious Diets in Africa (IANDA), IMMANA Grant |
Policy making |
Shee, Mayanja, Simba, Stathers, Bechoff, & Bennett (2019). Food Security, 11(5), 1101-1120. |
NUTRI-P-LOSS: Nutritional Postharvest Loss Estimation Methodology, IMMANA Grant |
Subsistence agriculture
Gender, empowerment and equity |
Young, Boateng, Jamaluddine, Miller, Frongillo, Neilands & Stoler (2019). BMJ global health, 4(5), e001750. |
A novel tool for the assessment of household-level water insecurity: scale refinement, validation, and manual development, IMMANA Grant |
Water security
Food security
Policymaking |
Data Collection in Cross-cultural Ethnographic Research Wutich & Brewis (2019). Field Methods, 31(2), 181-189. |
A novel tool for the assessment of household-level water insecurity: scale refinement, validation, and manual development, IMMANA Grant |
Data science
Water security |
Household water sharing: a missing link in international health
Stoler, Brewis, Harris, Wutich, Pearson, Rosinger & Young (2019). International health, 11(3), 163-165. |
A novel tool for the assessment of household-level water insecurity: scale refinement, validation, and manual development, IMMANA Grant |
Water security
Communicable diseases
Fragile contexts
Public health |
Schuster, Butler, Wutich, Miller, Young, Household Water Insecurity Experiences‐Research Coordination Network (HWISE‐RCN) & Brewis (2020). American Journal of Human Biology, 32(1), e23357. |
A novel tool for the assessment of household-level water insecurity: scale refinement, validation, and manual development, IMMANA Grant |
Maternal and child health
Water security |
Brewis, Rosinger, Wutich, Adams, Cronk, Pearson & Household Water Insecurity Experiences‐Research Coordination Network (HWISE‐RCN) (2019). Economic Anthropology, 6(2), 208-221. |
A novel tool for the assessment of household-level water insecurity: scale refinement, validation, and manual development, IMMANA Grant |
Water security
Fragile contexts
Economics |
Brewis, Workman, Wutich, Jepson, Young, Household Water Insecurity Experiences–Research Coordination Network (HWISE‐RCN) & Boivin (2020). American Journal of Human Biology, 32(1), e23309. |
A novel tool for the assessment of household-level water insecurity: scale refinement, validation, and manual development, IMMANA Grant |
Water security
Food security
Intervention design and implementation |
de Bruyn, Msuya & Ferguson (2019). British Journal of Nutrition, 122(12), 1432-1440. |
Julia de Bruyn, IMMANA Fellow |
Intervention design and implementation |
Origins and Pathways of Agricultural Demonstration in Lesotho, Southern Africa, 1924–1960s
Conz (2019). Agricultural History, 93(2), 233-263. |
Christopher Conz, IMMANA Fellow |
Subsistence agriculture
Political economy |
Low breastmilk vitamin A concentration is prevalent in rural Ethiopia
Abebe, Haki, Schweigert, Henkel & Baye (2019). European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 73(8), 1110-1116. |
Zeweter Abebe, IMMANA Fellow |
Maternal and child health
Intervention design and implementation |
Zerfu, Baye & Faber (2019). Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition, 38(1), 44. |
Taddese Zerfu, IMMANA Fellow |
Maternal and child health
Nutrition |
Mohammed & Aboud (2019). Maternal & child nutrition, 15(4), e12829. |
Mohammed Husein, IMMANA Fellow |
Maternal and child health
Mental health
Food security
Adjaye-Gbewonyo, Vollmer, Avendano & Harttgen (2019). Globalization and health, 15(1), 21. |
Kafui Adjaye-Gbewonyo, IMMANA Fellow |
Political economy
Maternal and child health
Nutrition |
2018 | ||
The women’s empowerment in livestock index
Galiè, Teufel, Korir, Baltenweck, Girard, Dominguez-Salas & Yount (2019). Social Indicators Research, 142(2), 799-825. |
Women’s empowerment in livestock-focused agriculture: Identifying and understanding pathways to impact for maternal and child nutrition in East Africa, IMMANA Grant |
Gender, empowerment and equity
Subsistence agriculture |
Women’s empowerment in East Africa: Development of a cross-country comparable measure
Miedema, Haardörfer, Girard & Yount (2018). World Development, 110, 453-464. |
Women’s empowerment in livestock-focused agriculture: Identifying and understanding pathways to impact for maternal and child nutrition in East Africa, IMMANA Grant |
Gender, empowerment and equity
Subsistence agriculture
Policy making |
Girard Baltenweck, Dominguez‐Salas, Galie, Harris, Jones & Yount (2017). The FASEB Journal, 31, 455-5. |
Women’s empowerment in livestock-focused agriculture: Identifying and understanding pathways to impact for maternal and child nutrition in East Africa, IMMANA Grant |
Maternal and child health
Gender, empowerment and equity
Food security
Subsistence agriculture |
Whitney, Lanzanova, Muchiri, Shepherd, Rosenstock, Krawinkel & Luedeling (2018). Earth's Future, 6(3), 359-372. |
Probabilistic Causal Models for Nutrition Outcomes of Agricultural Actions, IMMANA Grant |
Policy making
Food security
Nutrition |
Ethnobotany and agrobiodiversity: Valuation of plants in the homegardens of southwestern Uganda
Whitney, Bahati, & Gebauer (2018). Ethnobiology Letters. 9 (2): 90-100. |
Probabilistic Causal Models for Nutrition Outcomes of Agricultural Actions, IMMANA Grant |
Subsistence agriculture
Ecology, sustainability and environment
Food security |
Gelli, Margolies, Santacroce, Roschnik, Twalibu, Katundu & Ruel (2018). The Journal of nutrition, 148(10), 1587-1597. |
Leveraging value chains to improve nutrition: collaborative learning initiative on methods and metrics for improving the identification, design and evaluation of interventions, IMMANA Grant |
Maternal and child health
Monitoring and evaluation
Intervention design and implementation |
Lentz (2018). World Development, 104, 271-280. |
The Women’s Empowerment in Nutrition Index (WENI): Measuring nutritional empowerment to better link agriculture to nutrition, IMMANA Grant |
Gender, empowerment and equity
Food security
Nutrition |
Masters, Bai, Herforth, Sarpong, Mishili, Kinabo & Coates (2018). American journal of agricultural economics, 100(5), 1285-1301. |
Indicators of Affordability of Nutritious Diets in Africa (IANDA), IMMANA Grant |
Intervention design and implementation
Policymaking |
Somé & Jones (2018). PloS one, 13(5), e0195685. |
Food security
Subsistence agriculture |
Boateng, Collins, Mbullo, Wekesa, Onono, Neilands & Young (2018). PloS one, 13(6), e0198591. |
A novel tool for the assessment of household-level water insecurity: scale refinement, validation, and manual development, IMMANA Grant |
Water security
Maternal and child health
Intervention design and implementation |
Young, Collins, Boateng, Neilands, Jamaluddine, Miller & Schuster (2019). BMJ open, 9(1), e023558. |
A novel tool for the assessment of household-level water insecurity: scale refinement, validation, and manual development, IMMANA Grant |
Water security
Food security
Intervention design and implementation |
Zerfu, Pinto & Baye (2018). Nutrition & diabetes, 8(1), 1-7. |
Taddese Zerfu, IMMANA Fellow |
Maternal and child health
Nutrition |
Islam, von Braun, Thorne-Lyman & Ahmed (2018). Food Security, 10(3), 701-720. |
Abu Hayat Md. Saiful Islam, IMMANA Fellow |
Subsistence agriculture
Gender, empowerment and equity
Economics |
2017 | ||
Homegardens and the future of food and nutrition security in southwest Uganda
Whitney, Tabuti, Hensel, Yeh, Gebauer & Luedeling (2017). Agricultural Systems, 154, 133-144. |
Probabilistic Causal Models for Nutrition Outcomes of Agricultural Actions, IMMANA Grant |
Food security
Subsistence agriculture
Commercial farming |
When less is more: Innovations for tracking progress toward global targets
Rosenstock, Lamanna, Chesterman, Hammond, Kadiyala, Luedeling & van Wijk (2017). Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 26, 54-61. |
Surveillance of Climate‐Smart Agriculture for Nutrition (SCAN), IMMANA Grant |
Ecology, sustainability and environment
Food security
Monitoring and evaluation
Policymaking |
Gelli, Aberman, Margolies, Santacroce, Baulch & Chirwa (2017). The Journal of Nutrition, 147(5), 869-878. |
Leveraging value chains to improve nutrition: collaborative learning initiative on methods and metrics for improving the identification, design and evaluation of interventions, IMMANA Grant |
Maternal and child health
Monitoring and evaluation
Food security |
Zanello, Srinivasan & Nkegbe (2017). Development Engineering, 2, 114-131. |
New Keys for Old Black Boxes: Developing Methods to Improve Nutrition Assessment by Measuring Energy Expenditure, IMMANA Grant |
Subsistence agriculture
Intervention design and implementation
Policy making |
2016 | ||
Decision-focused agricultural research
Luedeling & Shepherd (2016). Solutions, 7(5), 46-54. |
Probabilistic Causal Models for Nutrition Outcomes of Agricultural Actions, IMMANA Grant |
Ecology, sustainability and environment
Subsistence farming
Policy making |
Rushton & Bruce (2017). Parasitology, 144(1), 15-25. |
Mieghan Bruce, IMMANA Fellow |
One Health
Commercial farming
Subsistence agriculture |
Journal articles
Last update: 17 January 2025