Journal articles





Frequency and perceived difficulty of household water experiences in Morogoro, Tanzania: Evidence of the psychosocial burden of water insecurity

Cassandra L. Workman, Joshua D. Miller, Sameer H. Shah, Kenneth Maes, Yihewnew Tesfaye, Kenneth M. Mapunda. (2023). SSM - Mental Health, (2023), 100295

HWISE: A novel tool for the assessment of household-level water insecurity: scale refinement, validation, and manual development IMMANA Grant

Water Security

Social Science

Respondent biases in agricultural household surveys

Dillon & Mensah. (2024). Journal of Development Economics, 166(2024), 103198

Developing an innovative approach to measuring the livelihoods of smallholder farmers and testing critical linkages from farmer livelihoods to nutrition




Household Survey

Zoo-Sanitary Situation Assessment, an Initial Step in Country Disease Prioritization Process: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis from 2000 to 2020 in Cameroon

Mouliom Mouiche, Nguemou Wafo, Mpouam, Moffo, Kameni Feussom, Njayou Ngapagna, Mfopit, Saegerman, Abdoulmoumini (2023). Pathogens, 12(9), 12091076

Upscaling metrics for sustainable spatial and livestock production system smart prioritization of transboundary animal diseases in Cameroon IMMANA Fellow


Infectious Diseases

Systematic Review

Disease Control

Assessing needs for interdisciplinarity in agriculture, nutrition, and health education. 

Roshania, Yates, McIntyre, Chancellor, Fivian, Hill, Isoto, Marinda, Narayanan, Whatford, Zotor & Khandelwal (2023). Global Food Security, 37, 100691

IMMANA original research






The availability and geographic location of open-source food composition data used to estimate micronutrient intakes in sub-Saharan Africa: A scoping review

de la Revilla, Ferguson, Dooley, Osman, Ander & Joy (2023). Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 120, 105322

IMMANA original research

Food Composition


Sub-Saharan Africa

Spatial Variability

Changes in children’s and adolescents’ dietary intake after the implementation of Chile’s law of food labeling, advertising and sales in schools: a longitudinal study

Fretes, Corvalán, Reyes, Taillie, Economos, Wilson & Cash (2023). International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity20(1), 40.

IMMANA original research

Maternal and child health

Food environments

Social science

Variations in household water affordability and water insecurity: An intersectional perspective from 18 low- and middle-income countries

Shah, Harris, Menghwani, Stoler, Brewis, Miller, & Young (2023). Environment and Planning F, 26349825231156900.

HWISE: A novel tool for the assessment of household-level water insecurity: scale refinement, validation, and manual development IMMANA Grant



Social science

Adolescent girls in aquaculture ecozones at risk of nutrient deficiency in Bangladesh development and validation of an integrated metric

Grieve, Mamun, de Roos, Barman, Ara, Roos & Little (2023). BMC Public Health23(1), 1-13.

Aquatic Food for Health and Nutrition (AQN): A metric for assessing the impacts on nutrition and health of agroecosystems producing farmed seafood IMMANA Grant


Maternal and child health

Gender and equity


Human health effects of recycling and reusing food sector consumer plastics: A systematic review and meta-analysis of life cycle assessments

Deeney, Green, Yan, Dooley, Yates, Rolker & Kadiyala (2023). Journal of Cleaner Production, 136567.

IMMANA original research

Public health

Food systems


Circular economy

Automated wearable cameras for improving recall of diet and time use in Uganda: a cross-sectional feasibility study

Bulungu, Palla, Nambooze, Priebe., Forsythe, Katic & Ferguson (2023). Nutrition Journal22(1), 1-14.

Using Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) to understand the relationships between labour-saving agricultural innovations, women’s time use and maternal and child nutrition outcomes IMMANA Grant

Gender and equity


Social science


The burdens of participation: A mixed-methods study of the effects of a nutrition-sensitive agriculture program on women’s time use in Malawi

Margolies, Colantuoni, Morgan, Gelli, & Caulfield (2023). World Development163, 106122.

Leveraging value chains to improve nutrition: collaborative learning initiative on methods and metrics for improving the identification, design and evaluation of interventions IMMANA Grant

Gender and equity


Social science


Bioaccessibility of iron in pearl millet flour contaminated with different soil types

Muleya, Young, Broadley, Joy, Chopera & Bailey (2022). Food Chemistry, 134277.

Molly Muleya, IMMANA Fellow



Inequality of household water security follows a Development Kuznets Curve

Mao, Miller, Young, Krause, Hannah and the HWISE Research Coordination Network (2022) Nature Communications 13

HWISE: A novel tool for the assessment of household-level water insecurity: scale refinement, validation, and manual development IMMANA Grant


Gender and Equity

Systematic evidence and gap map of research linking food security and nutrition to mental health

Sparling, Deeney, Cheng, Han, Lier, Lin, Offner, Santoso, Pfeiffer, Emerson, Amadi, Mitu, Corvalan, Verdeli, Araya, Kadiyala (2022) Nature Communications 13

Mental Health Working Group

Mental Health

Food Security


Making the most of existing research: an evidence gap map of the effects of food systems interventions in low-income and middle-income countries

Storhaug, Lane, Moore, Engelbert, Sparling, Snilstveit (2022) BMJ Open

Evidence and Gap Map, IMMANA original research

Food systems


Understanding the effects of nutrition-sensitive agriculture interventions with participatory videos and women's group meetings on maternal and child nutrition in rural Odisha, India: A mixed-methods process evaluation

Prost, Harris-Fry, Mohanty, Parida, Krishnan, Fivian, Rath, Nair, Mishra, Padhan, Pradhan, Sahu, Skordis, Danton, Koniz-Booher, Beaumont, James, Allen, Elbourne, & Kadiyala. (2022) Maternal and Child Nutrition, e13398

Upscaling Participatory Action and Videos for Agriculture and Nutrition (UPAVAN): A cluster randomised controlled trial in Odisha, India. IMMANA team


Gender and Equity

A simplified measure of nutritional empowerment using machine learning to abbreviate the Women’s Empowerment in Nutrition Index (WENI)

Saha and Narayanan (2022). World Development, vol 154

The Women’s Empowerment in Nutrition Index (WENI): Measuring nutritional empowerment to better link agriculture to nutrition IMMANA Grant

Gender and Equity


Drivers of food acquisition practices in the food environment of peri-urban Hyderabad, India: A qualitative investigation

Turner, Bhogadi, Walls, Surendran, Kulkarni, Kinra, Kadiyala (2022). Health and Place, 74

Food Environments Working Group

Food environment

Water sharing is a distressing form of reciprocity: Shame, upset, anger, and conflict over water in twenty cross-cultural sites

Wutich, Rosinger, Brewis, Beresford & Young. Household Water Insecurity Experiences Research Coordination Network. (2022). American Anthropologist.

A novel tool for the assessment of household-level water insecurity: scale refinement, validation, and manual development, IMMANA Grant

Water security

Social science

Fragile contexts

Can virtual events achieve co-benefits for climate, participation, and satisfaction? Comparative evidence from five international Agriculture, Nutrition and Health Academy Week conferences

Yates, Kadiyala, Li, Levy, Endashaw, Perlick, Wilde (2022), Lancet Planetary Health

IMMANA original research Planetary Health

Estimation of nutritional postharvest losses along food value chains: A case study of three key food security commodities in sub-Saharan Africa

Bechoff, Shee, Mvumi, Ngwenyama, Debelo, Ferruzzi, Nyanga, Mayanja, & Tomlins (2022), Food Security

NUTRI-P-LOSS: Nutritional Postharvest Loss Estimation Methodology  IMMANA Grant


Food systems



A food‐based approach could improve dietary adequacy for 12–23‐month‐old Eastern Ugandan children

Kimere, Nambooze, Lim, Bulungu, Wellard, & Ferguson (2021), Maternal & Child Nutrition

Agri-food: Development and validation of a rapid assessment tool to identify nutrient gaps in local food systems and help design nutrition sensitive interventions for agriculture project IMMANA Grant Nutrition

The effects of food systems interventions on food security and nutrition outcomes in low- and middle-income countries

Moore, Lane, Storhaug, Franich, Rolker, Furgeson, Sparling, Snilstveit (2021) 3ie Evidence Gap Map Report 16. International Initiative for Impact Evaluation

Evidence and Gap Map, IMMANA original research Food systems

Export-Driven, Extensive Coastal Aquaculture Can Benefit Nutritionally Vulnerable People

Mamun, Murray, Sprague, McAdam, Roos, de Roos, Pounds & Little (2021), Frontiers in Global Food Systems

Aquatic Food for Health and Nutrition (AQN): A metric for assessing the impacts on nutrition and health of agroecosystems producing farmed seafood IMMANA Grant


Animals and livestock

Economic inequality in malnutrition: a global systematic review and meta-analysis


 Alao, Nur, Fivian, Shankar, Kadiyala & Harris-Fry (2021), BMJ Global Health

IMMANA original research


Gender and Equity

Household-level consumption data can be redistributed for individual-level Optifood diet modeling: analysis from four countries

Knight, Woldt, Sethuraman, Bergeron & Ferguson (2021), Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

Agri-food: Development and validation of a rapid assessment tool to identify nutrient gaps in local food systems and help design nutrition sensitive interventions for agriculture project IMMANA Grant


Food  environments


Trust and responsibility in food systems transformation. Engaging with Big Food: marriage or mirage?

Yates, Gillespie, Savona, Deeney & Kadiyala (2021), BMJ Global Health

IMMANA original research

Food environments

Food systems

Conflict exposure and food consumption pathways during and after conflict: Evidence from Northern Uganda 

Adong, Kornher, Kiptoo Kirui & von Braun (2021), World Development, 147.

Using high-frequency data to validate the resilience metrics for food security and women dietary diversity amidst Covid-19 in Uganda, IMMANA Fellow

Public health


How different hermetic bag brands and maize varieties affect grain damage and loss during smallholder farmer storage

Ngwenyama, Mvumi, Stathers, Nyanga & Siziba (2022). Crop Protection, 153.

NUTRI-P-LOSS: Nutritional Postharvest Loss Estimation Methodology, IMMANA Grant


Food safety

Fruit and vegetable intake and mental health among family caregivers of people with dementia in Uganda 

Ainamani, Bamwerinde, Rukundo, Tumwesigire, Mfitumukiza, Bikaitwoha & Tsai (2021). Mental Health and Prevention, 24.

Mental health benefits of gardening and diet among caregivers of people with dementia in rural southwestern Uganda, IMMANA Fellow

Mental health


Public health


The Household Water Insecurity Experiences (HWISE) Scale: comparison scores from 27 sites in 22 countries

Stoler, Miller, Adams, Ahmed, Alexander, Asiki & Young (2021). Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development.


A novel tool for the assessment of household-level water insecurity: scale refinement, validation, and manual development, IMMANA Grant

Water security

Public health

Global Mental Health and Nutrition: Moving Toward a Convergent Research Agenda


Sparling, Cheng, Deeney, Santoso, Pfeiffer, Emerson & Kadiyala. Frontiers in Public Health, 1483.

Mental Health Working Group

Mental health



Public health

Effects of dietary and health factors on nutritional status of children in pastoral settings in Borana, southern Ethiopia, August–October 2015


Megersa, Haile & Kitron (2021). Archives of Public Health79(1), 1-11.

Bekele Mergesa, IMMANA Fellow

Public health




Rural livelihoods

Empowerment and nutrition in Niger: insights from the Women’s Empowerment in Nutrition grid

Lentz, Bageant & Narayanan (2021). Food Security, 1-18.

The Women’s Empowerment in Nutrition Index (WENI): Measuring nutritional empowerment to better link agriculture to nutrition, IMMANA Grant

Gender, empowerment and equity


Public health

Economic evaluation of an early childhood development center–based agriculture and nutrition intervention in Malawi

Gelli, Kemp, Margolies, Twalibu, Katundu & Levin (2021). Food Security, 1-14.

Economic Evaluation Working Group




Intervention design and implementation

Rural Women’s Empowerment in Nutrition: A Framework Linking Food, Health and Institutions

Narayanan, Lentz, Fontana & Kulkarni (2021). The Journal of Development Studies, 1-18.

The Women’s Empowerment in Nutrition Index (WENI): Measuring nutritional empowerment to better link agriculture to nutrition, IMMANA Grant

Gender, empowerment and equity


Public health

Intervention design and implementation

Water Insecurity is Associated with Lack of Viral Suppression and Greater Odds of AIDS-Defining Illnesses Among Adults with HIV in Western Kenya


Nagata, Miller, Cohen, Frongillo, Weke, Burger & Young (2021). AIDS and Behavior, 1-7.

A novel tool for the assessment of household-level water insecurity: scale refinement, validation, and manual development, IMMANA Grant

Water security

Food security

Public health


Critical Systematic Review of Zoonoses and Transboundary Animal Diseases’ Prioritization in Africa


Mpouam, Mingoas, Mouiche, Kameni Feussom & Saegerman. Pathogens. 2021; 10(8):976. 

Serge Mpouam, IMMANA Fellow


Animal diseases


Participation in gardening activity and its association with improved mental health among family caregivers of people with dementia in rural Uganda


Ainamani, Bamwerinde, Rukundo, Tumwesigire, Kalibwani, Bikaitwaho & Tsai (2021). Preventive Medicine Reports, 101412.

Herbert Ainamani, IMMANA Fellow

Mental health


Rural livelihoods

When Communities Pull Their Weight: The Economic Costs of an Integrated Agriculture and Nutrition Home-Grown Preschool Meal Intervention in Malawi


Margolies, Gelli, Daryanani, Twalibu & Levin (2021). Food and Nutrition Bulletin42(1), 3-22.

Leveraging value chains to improve nutrition: collaborative learning initiative on methods and metrics for improving the identification, design and evaluation of interventions, IMMANA Grant


Maternal and child health

Intervention design and implementation

Household Water and Food Insecurity Are Positively Associated with Poor Mental and Physical Health among Adults Living with HIV in Western Kenya


Miller, Frongillo, Weke, Burger, Wekesa, Sheira, Mocello, Bukusi, Otieno, Cohen, Weiser & Young (2021). The Journal of Nutrition.

A novel tool for the assessment of household-level water insecurity: scale refinement, validation, and manual development, IMMANA Grant

Water security

Food security

Public health

Intervention design and implementation

A systematic scoping review of environmental, food security and health impacts of food system plastics


Yates, Deeney, Rolker, White, Kalamatianou, & Kadiyala (2021). Nature Food13.

IMMANA original research

Food security

Ecology, sustainability and environment

Public health

Selenium speciation and bioaccessibility in Se-fertilised crops of dietary importance in Malawi


Muleya, Young, Reina, Ligowe, Broadley, Joy & Bailey  (2021). Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 103841.

Molly Muleya, IMMANA Fellow

Crop science





Understanding Pathways Between Agriculture, Food Systems, and Nutrition: An Evidence and Gap Map of Research Tools, Metrics, and Methods in the Last 10 Years


Sparling, White, Boakye, John & Kadiyala (2020). Advances in Nutrition, nmaa158.

Evidence and Gap Map, IMMANA original research

Monitoring and evaluation


Intrinsic and instrumental agency associated with nutritional status of East African women


Jones, Haardörfer, Ramakrishnan, Yount, Miedema, Roach & Girard (2020). Social Science & Medicine247, 112803.

Women’s empowerment in livestock-focused agriculture: Identifying and understanding pathways to impact for maternal and child nutrition in East Africa, IMMANA Grant

Gender, empowerment and equity


A Community-Based Early Childhood Development Center Platform Promoting Diversified Diets and Food Production Increases the Mean Probability of Adequacy of Intake of Preschoolers in Malawi: A Cluster Randomized Trial


Gelli, Nguyen, Santacroce, Twalibu, Margolies & Katundu (2020). The Journal of Nutrition150(2), 350-355.

Leveraging value chains to improve nutrition: collaborative learning initiative on methods and metrics for improving the identification, design and evaluation of interventions, IMMANA Grant

Maternal and child health


implementationalIntervention design and implementation

Validation of a life-logging wearable camera method and the 24-h diet recall method for assessing maternal and child dietary diversity


Bulungu, Palla, Priebe, Forsythe, Katic, Varley & Ferguson (2020). British Journal of Nutrition, 1-11.

Using Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) to understand the relationships between labour-saving agricultural innovations, women’s time use and maternal and child nutrition outcomes, IMMANA Grant

Maternal and child health


Intervention design and implementation

Measuring the nutritional cost of insect infestation of stored maize and cowpea


Stathers, Arnold, Rumney & Hopson (2020). Food Security, 1-24.

NUTRI-P-LOSS: Nutritional Postharvest Loss Estimation Methodology, IMMANA Grant

Crop science



Cash water expenditures are associated with household water insecurity, food insecurity, and perceived stress in study sites across 20 low-and middle-income countries


Stoler, Pearson, Staddon, Wutich, Mack, Brewis & Balogun (2020). Science of the Total Environment716, 135881.

A novel tool for the assessment of household-level water insecurity: scale refinement, validation, and manual development, IMMANA Grant

Water security


Food security




Intervention design and implementation


Mental health

Gender, time-use, and energy expenditures in rural communities in India and Nepal


Picchioni, Zanello, Srinivasan, Wyatt & Webb (2020). World Development136, 105137.

New Keys for Old Black Boxes: Developing Methods to Improve Nutrition Assessment by Measuring Energy Expenditure, IMMANA Grant

Gender, empowerment and equity


Subsistence agriculture

Food environment research in low-and middle-income countries: a systematic scoping review


Turner, Kalamatianou, Drewnowski, Kulkarni, Kinra & Kadiyala (2020). Advances in Nutrition11(2), 387-397.

Food Environments Working Group

Food security



Development and Evaluation of a Novel Diet Quality Screener for Global Use


Gicevic, Mou, Bromage, Fung, & Walter (2020). Current Developments in Nutrition4(Supplement_2), 1168-1168.

Selma Gicevic, IMMANA Fellow



Non-communicable diseases

Dietary diversity scores, nutrient intakes and biomarkers vitamin B12, folate and Hb in rural youth from the Pune Maternal Nutrition Study


Ganpule-Rao, Bhat, Yajnik, & Rush (2020). British Journal of Nutrition, 1-8.

Anjali Ganpule-Rao, IMMANA Fellow

Maternal and child health



Food Access and Nutritional Status of Rural Adolescents in India: Pune Maternal Nutrition Study


Ganpule-Rao, Roy, Karandikar, Yajnik & Rush (2020). American Journal of Preventive Medicine.

Anjali Ganpule-Rao, IMMANA Fellow

Maternal and child health




Food security

(Un) Cultivating the Disease of Maize: Pellagra, Policy and Nutrition Practice in Lesotho, c. 1933–1963


Conz (2020). Journal of Southern African Studies, 1-18.

Christopher Conz, IMMANA Fellow




The association between crop and income diversity and farmer intra-household dietary diversity in India


Singh, Jones, DeFries & Jain (2020). Food Security, 1-22.

Sukhwinder Singh, IMMANA Fellow

Subsistence agriculture



Regional differences in agricultural and socioeconomic factors associated with farmer household dietary diversity in India


Singh, Jones & Jain (2020). Plos one15(4), e0231107.

Sukhwinder Singh, IMMANA Fellow

Subsistence agriculture





Dietary Intake of Infant and Young Children and Assessment of Dietary Adequacy Indicators in a Pastoral Setting, Southern Ethiopia


Megersa (2020). Nutrition and Dietary Supplements12, 1.

Bekele Megersa, IMMANA Fellow

Maternal and child health




Subsistence agriculture


Intervention design and implementation

Energy and Nutrient Intake and Associated Factors Among Pastoral Children in Southern Ethiopia


Megersa, Haile & Kitron (2020). Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 0379572120953042.

Bekele Megersa, IMMANA Fellow

Maternal and child health




Subsistence agriculture


PROTOCOL: Evidence and gap map protocol: Understanding pathways between agriculture and nutrition: An evidence and gap map of tools, metrics and methods developed and applied in the last 10 years


Sparling, White, & Kadiyala (2019). Campbell Systematic Reviews15(3).

Evidence and Gap Map, IMMANA original research

Monitoring and evaluation



Linking agroecosystems producing farmed seafood with food security and health status to better address the nutritional challenges in Bangladesh


de Roos, Roos, Mamun, Ahmed, Sneddon, Murray & Little (2019). Public health nutrition22(16), 2941-2949.

Aquatic Food for Health and Nutrition (AQN): A metric for assessing the impacts on nutrition and health of agroecosystems producing farmed seafood, IMMANA Grant

Aquaculture and fisheries





Dietary Diversity Measures Derived from Food Frequency Methods Are Weak Proxies for Anthropometric Indicators of Child Nutrition in East Africa


Gosdin, Ramakrishnan & Girard (2019). Current developments in nutrition3(Supplement_1), (P11-111-19).

Women’s empowerment in livestock-focused agriculture: Identifying and understanding pathways to impact for maternal and child nutrition in East Africa, IMMANA Grant

Maternal and child health




Subsistence agriculture

Women’s empowerment, food security and nutrition of pastoral communities in Tanzania


Galiè, Teufel, Girard, Baltenweck, Dominguez-Salas, Price & Smith (2019). Global Food Security23, 125-134.

Women’s empowerment in livestock-focused agriculture: Identifying and understanding pathways to impact for maternal and child nutrition in East Africa, IMMANA Grant

Gender, empowerment and equity


Maternal and child health


Food security


Subsistence agriculture

Strengths and limitations of computer assisted telephone interviews (CATI) for nutrition data collection in rural Kenya


Lamanna, Hachhethu, Chesterman, Singhal, Mwongela, Ng’endo & Rosenstock (2019). PloS one14(1), e0210050.

Surveillance of Climate‐Smart Agriculture for Nutrition (SCAN), IMMANA Grant



Maternal and child health

Designing interventions in local value chains for improved health and nutrition: Insights from Malawi


Donovan & Gelli (2019). World Development Perspectives16, 100149.

Leveraging value chains to improve nutrition: collaborative learning initiative on methods and metrics for improving the identification, design and evaluation of interventions, IMMANA Grant

Intervention design and implementation






Subsistence agriculture


Public health

Developing the women's empowerment in nutrition index in two states of India


Narayanan, Lentz, Fontana, De & Kulkarni (2019). Food Policy89, 101780.

The Women’s Empowerment in Nutrition Index (WENI): Measuring nutritional empowerment to better link agriculture to nutrition, IMMANA Grant

Gender, empowerment and equity




Intervention design and implementation

Last and least: Findings on intrahousehold undernutrition from participatory research in South Asia


Lentz, Narayanan & De (2019). Social Science & Medicine232, 316-323.

The Women’s Empowerment in Nutrition Index (WENI): Measuring nutritional empowerment to better link agriculture to nutrition, IMMANA Grant

Gender, empowerment and equity




Food security

Rural Women’s Empowerment in Nutrition: A Proposal for Diagnostics Linking Food, Health and Institutions


Narayanan, Fontana, Lentz & Kulkarni (2017). Health and Institutions (September 30, 2017).

The Women’s Empowerment in Nutrition Index (WENI): Measuring nutritional empowerment to better link agriculture to nutrition, IMMANA Grant

Gender, empowerment and equity




Intervention design and implementation

Women’s nutritional empowerment and their well-being Identifying key drivers in India and Bangladesh


Narayanan, Rathore & Sharma (2019). Available at SSRN 3332959.

The Women’s Empowerment in Nutrition Index (WENI): Measuring nutritional empowerment to better link agriculture to nutrition, IMMANA Grant

Gender, empowerment and equity




Policy making

The cost of a nutritious diet in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka


Dizon, Herforth, & Wang, (2019). Global Food Security21, 38-51.

Indicators of Affordability of Nutritious Diets in Africa (IANDA), IMMANA Grant





Policy making

The Cost of Recommended Diets: Development and Application a Food Price Index Based on Food-Based Dietary Guidelines


Herforth, Masters, Bai & Sarpong (2019). Current developments in nutrition3(Supplement_1), (P10-033-19).

Indicators of Affordability of Nutritious Diets in Africa (IANDA), IMMANA Grant





Policy making

Determinants of postharvest losses along smallholder producers maize and Sweetpotato value chains: an ordered Probit analysis


Shee, Mayanja, Simba, Stathers, Bechoff, & Bennett (2019). Food Security11(5), 1101-1120.

NUTRI-P-LOSS: Nutritional Postharvest Loss Estimation Methodology, IMMANA Grant

Subsistence agriculture






Gender, empowerment and equity

The Household Water InSecurity Experiences (HWISE) Scale: development and validation of a household water insecurity measure for low-income and middle-income countries


Young, Boateng, Jamaluddine, Miller, Frongillo, Neilands & Stoler (2019). BMJ global health4(5), e001750.

A novel tool for the assessment of household-level water insecurity: scale refinement, validation, and manual development, IMMANA Grant

Water security


Food security



Data Collection in Cross-cultural Ethnographic Research

Wutich & Brewis (2019). Field Methods31(2), 181-189.

A novel tool for the assessment of household-level water insecurity: scale refinement, validation, and manual development, IMMANA Grant

Data science


Water security

Household water sharing: a missing link in international health


Stoler, Brewis, Harris, Wutich, Pearson, Rosinger & Young (2019). International health11(3), 163-165.

A novel tool for the assessment of household-level water insecurity: scale refinement, validation, and manual development, IMMANA Grant

Water security




Communicable diseases


Fragile contexts


Public health

“If there is no water, we cannot feed our children”: The far‐reaching consequences of water insecurity on infant feeding practices and infant health across 16 low‐and middle‐income countries


Schuster, Butler, Wutich, Miller, Young, Household Water Insecurity Experiences‐Research Coordination Network (HWISE‐RCN) & Brewis (2020). American Journal of Human Biology32(1), e23357.

A novel tool for the assessment of household-level water insecurity: scale refinement, validation, and manual development, IMMANA Grant

Maternal and child health


Water security

Water sharing, reciprocity, and need: A comparative study of interhousehold water transfers in sub‐Saharan Africa


Brewis, Rosinger, Wutich, Adams, Cronk, Pearson & Household Water Insecurity Experiences‐Research Coordination Network (HWISE‐RCN) (2019). Economic Anthropology6(2), 208-221.

A novel tool for the assessment of household-level water insecurity: scale refinement, validation, and manual development, IMMANA Grant

Water security


Fragile contexts



Household water insecurity is strongly associated with food insecurity: Evidence from 27 sites in low‐and middle‐income countries

Brewis, Workman, Wutich, Jepson, Young, Household Water Insecurity Experiences–Research Coordination Network (HWISE‐RCN) & Boivin (2020). American Journal of Human Biology32(1), e23309.

A novel tool for the assessment of household-level water insecurity: scale refinement, validation, and manual development, IMMANA Grant

Water security


Food security


Intervention design and implementation

Evaluating pictorial charts as a means of collecting participant-recorded data on household dietary diversity in low-literacy communities in Tanzania


de Bruyn, Msuya & Ferguson (2019). British Journal of Nutrition122(12), 1432-1440.

Julia de Bruyn, IMMANA Fellow



Intervention design and implementation

Origins and Pathways of Agricultural Demonstration in Lesotho, Southern Africa, 1924–1960s


Conz (2019). Agricultural History93(2), 233-263.

Christopher Conz, IMMANA Fellow

Subsistence agriculture


Political economy

Low breastmilk vitamin A concentration is prevalent in rural Ethiopia


Abebe, Haki, Schweigert, Henkel & Baye (2019). European Journal of Clinical Nutrition73(8), 1110-1116.

Zeweter Abebe, IMMANA Fellow

Maternal and child health


Intervention design and implementation

Dietary diversity cutoff values predicting anemia varied between mid and term of pregnancy: a prospective cohort study


Zerfu, Baye & Faber (2019). Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition38(1), 44.

Taddese Zerfu, IMMANA Fellow

Maternal and child health



Adaptation of a mental development assessment tool for the evaluation of the long‐term effect of a successful nutrition intervention in Ghana


Mohammed & Aboud (2019). Maternal & child nutrition15(4), e12829.

Mohammed Husein, IMMANA Fellow 

Maternal and child health




Mental health


Food security


Agricultural trade policies and child nutrition in low-and middle-income countries: a cross-national analysis


Adjaye-Gbewonyo, Vollmer, Avendano & Harttgen (2019). Globalization and health15(1), 21.

Kafui Adjaye-Gbewonyo, IMMANA Fellow

Political economy


Maternal and child health




The women’s empowerment in livestock index


Galiè, Teufel, Korir, Baltenweck, Girard, Dominguez-Salas & Yount (2019). Social Indicators Research142(2), 799-825.

Women’s empowerment in livestock-focused agriculture: Identifying and understanding pathways to impact for maternal and child nutrition in East Africa, IMMANA Grant

Gender, empowerment and equity




Subsistence agriculture

Women’s empowerment in East Africa: Development of a cross-country comparable measure


Miedema, Haardörfer, Girard & Yount (2018). World Development110, 453-464.

Women’s empowerment in livestock-focused agriculture: Identifying and understanding pathways to impact for maternal and child nutrition in East Africa, IMMANA Grant

Gender, empowerment and equity




Subsistence agriculture


Policy making

Women's empowerment is associated with maternal and child diet diversity but not household food security in pastoral communities in Tanzania


Girard Baltenweck, Dominguez‐Salas, Galie, Harris, Jones & Yount (2017). The FASEB Journal31, 455-5.

Women’s empowerment in livestock-focused agriculture: Identifying and understanding pathways to impact for maternal and child nutrition in East Africa, IMMANA Grant

Maternal and child health


Gender, empowerment and equity


Food security


Subsistence agriculture

Probabilistic decision tools for determining impacts of agricultural development policy on household nutrition


Whitney, Lanzanova, Muchiri, Shepherd, Rosenstock, Krawinkel & Luedeling (2018). Earth's Future6(3), 359-372.

Probabilistic Causal Models for Nutrition Outcomes of Agricultural Actions, IMMANA Grant

Policy making


Food security



Ethnobotany and agrobiodiversity: Valuation of plants in the homegardens of southwestern Uganda


Whitney, Bahati, & Gebauer (2018). Ethnobiology Letters. 9 (2): 90-100.

Probabilistic Causal Models for Nutrition Outcomes of Agricultural Actions, IMMANA Grant



Subsistence agriculture


Ecology, sustainability and environment


Food security

Using a community-based early childhood development center as a platform to promote production and consumption diversity increases children's dietary intake and reduces stunting in Malawi: a cluster-randomized trial


Gelli, Margolies, Santacroce, Roschnik, Twalibu, Katundu & Ruel (2018). The Journal of nutrition148(10), 1587-1597.

Leveraging value chains to improve nutrition: collaborative learning initiative on methods and metrics for improving the identification, design and evaluation of interventions, IMMANA Grant

Maternal and child health




Monitoring and evaluation


Intervention design and implementation

Complicating narratives of women’s food and nutrition insecurity: Domestic violence in rural Bangladesh


Lentz (2018). World Development104, 271-280.

The Women’s Empowerment in Nutrition Index (WENI): Measuring nutritional empowerment to better link agriculture to nutrition, IMMANA Grant

Gender, empowerment and equity


Food security



Measuring the affordability of nutritious diets in Africa: price indexes for diet diversity and the cost of nutrient adequacy


Masters, Bai, Herforth, Sarpong, Mishili, Kinabo & Coates (2018). American journal of agricultural economics100(5), 1285-1301.

Indicators of Affordability of Nutritious Diets in Africa (IANDA), IMMANA Grant





Intervention design and implementation



The influence of crop production and socioeconomic factors on seasonal household dietary diversity in Burkina Faso


Somé & Jones (2018). PloS one13(5), e0195685.

Developing an innovative approach to measuring the livelihoods of smallholder farmers and testing critical linkages from farmer livelihoods to nutrition, IMMANA Grant

Food security




Subsistence agriculture

A novel household water insecurity scale: Procedures and psychometric analysis among postpartum women in western Kenya


Boateng, Collins, Mbullo, Wekesa, Onono, Neilands & Young (2018). PloS one13(6), e0198591.

A novel tool for the assessment of household-level water insecurity: scale refinement, validation, and manual development, IMMANA Grant

Water security


Maternal and child health


Intervention design and implementation

Development and validation protocol for an instrument to measure household water insecurity across cultures and ecologies: The Household Water InSecurity Experiences (HWISE) Scale


Young, Collins, Boateng, Neilands, Jamaluddine, Miller & Schuster (2019). BMJ open9(1), e023558.

A novel tool for the assessment of household-level water insecurity: scale refinement, validation, and manual development, IMMANA Grant

Water security


Food security


Intervention design and implementation

Consumption of dairy, fruits and dark green leafy vegetables is associated with lower risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes (APO): a prospective cohort study in rural Ethiopia


Zerfu, Pinto & Baye (2018). Nutrition & diabetes8(1), 1-7.

Taddese Zerfu, IMMANA Fellow

Maternal and child health



Farm diversification and food and nutrition security in Bangladesh: empirical evidence from nationally representative household panel data


Islam, von Braun, Thorne-Lyman & Ahmed (2018). Food Security10(3), 701-720.

Abu Hayat Md. Saiful Islam, IMMANA Fellow

Subsistence agriculture




Gender, empowerment and equity




Homegardens and the future of food and nutrition security in southwest Uganda


Whitney, Tabuti, Hensel, Yeh, Gebauer & Luedeling (2017). Agricultural Systems154, 133-144.

Probabilistic Causal Models for Nutrition Outcomes of Agricultural Actions, IMMANA Grant

Food security




Subsistence agriculture


Commercial farming

When less is more: Innovations for tracking progress toward global targets


Rosenstock, Lamanna, Chesterman, Hammond, Kadiyala, Luedeling & van Wijk (2017). Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability26, 54-61.

Surveillance of Climate‐Smart Agriculture for Nutrition (SCAN), IMMANA Grant

Ecology, sustainability and environment


Food security


Monitoring and evaluation



Lean-season food transfers affect children's diets and household food security: evidence from a quasi-experiment in Malawi


Gelli, Aberman, Margolies, Santacroce, Baulch & Chirwa (2017). The Journal of Nutrition147(5), 869-878.

Leveraging value chains to improve nutrition: collaborative learning initiative on methods and metrics for improving the identification, design and evaluation of interventions, IMMANA Grant

Maternal and child health


Monitoring and evaluation




Food security

Piloting the use of accelerometry devices to capture energy expenditure in agricultural and rural livelihoods: Protocols and findings from northern Ghana


Zanello, Srinivasan & Nkegbe (2017). Development Engineering2, 114-131.

New Keys for Old Black Boxes: Developing Methods to Improve Nutrition Assessment by Measuring Energy Expenditure, IMMANA Grant

Subsistence agriculture




Intervention design and implementation


Policy making


Decision-focused agricultural research


Luedeling & Shepherd (2016). Solutions7(5), 46-54.

Probabilistic Causal Models for Nutrition Outcomes of Agricultural Actions, IMMANA Grant



Ecology, sustainability and environment


Subsistence farming


Policy making

Using a One Health approach to assess the impact of parasitic disease in livestock: how does it add value?


Rushton & Bruce (2017). Parasitology144(1), 15-25.

Mieghan Bruce, IMMANA Fellow

One Health


Commercial farming


Subsistence agriculture

Last update: 17 January 2025