Drivers of Food Choice
Webinar series in partnership with the DFC Program: Drivers of food choice in low- and middle-income countries: a synthesis of evidence
Global food systems are altering local food environments that serve as the contexts of food choice, defined as the processes by which people consider, acquire, prepare, distribute, and consume foods and beverages. The purpose of the Drivers of Food Choice (DFC) Competitive Grants Program is to generate evidence to understand how people make food choices in local food environments, specifically what, how, and why people eat the way they do among low- and middle-income countries. The DFC program funded projects that applied multi-disciplinary perspectives and methods across highly diverse settings and populations in 10 LMICs. The webinar series will aim to disseminate important findings that have emerged from the DFC portfolio regarding drivers of individual and household food choice in changing food environments and foster discussion around next steps for scale-up and application of insights and innovations from the portfolio. The thematic areas of this webinar series articulate with prominent issues and questions currently confronting policy, practice, and research at the nexus of food environments, nutrition, and health. Webinars will showcase the critical contributions of the DFC portfolio in advancing discussions around these areas.
Those interested must register for each webinar separately. Learn more about each of the four webinars in the series using these links:
(2) Perspectives on Food safety as a driver of food choice in LMIC, 8 February 2021
(3) Changing values and food choice: implications for demand creation in LMIC, 11 March 2021
(4) Drivers of food choice in the context of changing livelihoods, 13 April 2021
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