Mentoring can be useful in a number of different situations, from settling into a new job, returning to work, or general career development and knowledge sharing.
ANH Academy’s mentoring scheme is about members supporting and guiding each other. ANH Academy will match mentees and mentors based on subject expertise, location, career stage, mentor experiences and mentee goals. The first year of our mentoring scheme paired 43 mentees with mentors working in roles relevant to agriculture, nutrition and health. Topics discussed included work/life balance, writing papers and getting published, network building, caring responsibilities and managing relationships with colleagues.
This year, we are seeking to build on the success of the first round of mentoring by prioritising quality matches.
If you are an early career professional working in agriculture, nutrition and health, and looking for support from an experienced colleague, we welcome you to apply to be an ANH Academy mentee.
If accepted as an ANH Academy mentor, you will be expected to:
- Attend a mentor orientation session, follow-up session and thoroughly read through the Mentorship Handbook
- Have quarterly meetings with your mentee over a one-year duration, unless otherwise agreed upon with your mentee
- Respond to three short, online surveys (one month, six month, and a follow-up survey)
- Take the lead! Mentorships are mentee driven, and what you get out of it is largely dependent on you
The deadline for applications is 8 March 2024
Apply to be an ANH Academy Mentee
If you have any questions about the Mentoring Scheme, please contact us at [email protected]