Call for applications open for FSN-IL training and travel fellowships!
26 February 2024

The Food Systems for Nutrition Innovation Lab (FSN-IL) opened a call for Applications for FSN-IL’s 2024 training and travel fellowships. These fellowships are for emerging scholars and students from FSN-IL’s focus countries (Malawi, Mozambique, Nepal, and Bangladesh), as well as for students from Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) in the U.S.
FSN-IL, led by Tufts University and supported through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), will be awarding eight FSN-IL training fellowships and five FSN-IL travel fellowships for 2024.
The deadline to submit a training or travel fellowship application is March 30th, 2024. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about these opportunities, FSN-IL will be hosting an informational meeting in early March 2024.

Apply today for a travel or training fellowship flyer - opportunity provided by the Food Systems for Nutrition Innovation Lab

Travel Fellowships
Funding for travel fellowships can be used to support travel and expenses associated with attending conferences or undertaking internships focused on food systems and nutrition (e.g. specifically relating to nutrient-rich foods, food loss and waste, and food safety). The maximum amount per award will be $3000 USD. Click here to learn more and apply!
Training Fellowships
Funding for training fellowships can be used to support applicants with the costs of training and/or short courses (online or in-person) focused on technical issues relevant to food loss and waste, food safety, and enhanced access to nutrient-rich foods. The maximum amount per award will be up to $5000 USD. Click here to learn more and apply!


Click here to apply


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