Module 4 - Climate Change, Environment & Sustainability

The fourth module of this series, Climate Change, Environment & Sustainability provides an introduction to climate change and the environment, and linkages to agriculture, nutrition and health. By the end of this session, a successful student should: 

  • Explain how humans have driven climate and other environmental changes, with a particular focus on the ways in which the food system has an impact on the environment. 
  • Provide an overview of how the environment, food systems and nutrition are connected, with a particular focus on the specific pathways that climate change could affect food and nutrition security through its impact on each element of the food system. 
  • Identify and critically debate mitigation and adaption strategies for climate change that are using the food system, considering their co-benefits and trade-offs on nutrition-related health or other societal factors.  

The materials provided are not intended to be used as is, but are meant to be adapted to your context and your students. 

Additional Documents: 

Materials last edited: Nov 2023

If you have adapted these materials and would like to share your version with others, or have any feedback on our lesson plan, please contact [email protected] 

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