8th Annual Agriculture, Nutrition and Health (ANH) Academy Week #ANH2023
Hybrid (online and in-person, Lilongwe, Malawi), 19 - 30 June 2023
Thank you for joining us for ANH2023!
The recordings were uploaded on the individual event pages in the programme and on our youtube channel.
Read the ANH2023 report.
Explore photos from the event.
The 8th annual Agriculture, Nutrition & Health Academy Week took place from 19 to 30 June 2023, online and in Lilongwe, Malawi at the Bingu Wa International Convention Center (BICC). The programme featured online Learning Labs followed by a full hybrid conference in Lilongwe. Speakers and participants had the choice of joining in a number of ways.
The format was as follows:
- 19 - 21 June 2023: Learning Labs (online only)
- 26 June 2023: Learning Labs (In-person only in Lilongwe)
- 27 - 30 June 2023: Research Conference (in-person in Lilongwe and online)
Background and co-hosts
Between 2016 and 2019 the ANH Academy Week was held in person, rotating between African and Asian countries in order to lower barriers to participation. In 2020 and 2021 the event took place entirely online due to the COVID-19 pandemic, while in 2022 the Academy Week trialled hybrid sessions for the first time with co-hosts in South Africa. In 2023 this transition continues into a fully hybrid format from Lilongwe, Malawi.
We are delighted that ANH2023 was co-hosted in collaboration with:
Malawian partners
- Malawi Nutrition Monitoring and Evaluation, Research and Surveillance Technical Working Group, a coalition of academic and research institutions, Government ministries, civil society networks and international research institutes
- Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR)
Global/continental partners
- African Economic Research Consortium
- Africa Food Environment Research Network
- Food Systems for Nutrition Innovation Lab
- International Food Policy Research Institute, Malawi
Participants were invited to join ANH2023 in their preferred format:
The 8th Annual ANH Academy Week programme featured Learning Labs (training workshops) offered by ANH Academy partners, a Research Conference with invited papers, poster and panel sessions, and many opportunities for networking with other researchers and research users.
Exact presentation formats were determined approximately 10 weeks before the event.
For more information on ANH Academy Weeks, you are invited to visit our Academy Week web pages and to view the reports on our 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 meetings in Africa, Asia and online.
Rationale for a hybrid ANH2023
Many factors were considered before announcing this hybrid event. Read more about our rationale here.
Travel bursaries
ANH Academy had a limited number of travel bursaries which were awarded to selected presenters who would wanted to join the meeting in Malawi but who do not had sufficient funds to do so.
Watch Parties
A watch party provides a communal space where online ANH2023 sessions can be streamed live for ANH community members to participate together-in person at academic institutions around the world. In this increasingly virtual world, watch parties present an opportunity for participants to be together physically in a fun atmosphere with opportunities to interact. Learn more about watch parties here.